Wind Turbine Technology Transfer

Why Wind energy?

 Its cleaner, safer, and more abundant.


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It’s clean. Wind-generated electricity does not pollute the air, water or soil, does not create acid rain, radioactive waste, or generate CO₂ emissions which contribute to global warming. .

It’s renewable. Wind is the result of daily solar radiation.  Unlike fossil fuels, the supply of wind power is unlimited and cannot be depleted. 

It’s economical. The price of electricity generated by well-sited wind power plants is competitive with the price of electricity from new fossil fuel plants. 

The price of wind power is not subject to fuel price increases, supply disruptions, or stricter limits on pollution. The price of fuel (wind) is free. 

It’s good for rural communities. Wind power helps to diversify the economies of rural communities, adds to the property tax base, and creates highly skilled jobs in construction, operations, and maintenance. 

It’s compatible with other land uses. Wind turbines and related facilities at a utility-scale wind power plant typically occupy less than 3% of total project land area.

The vast majority of land remains free to use in other ways, including ranching, farming, mineral development, hunting, recreation, and many other activities.

It promotes national security and energy independence. Wind energy is home-grown.  It cannot be embargoed, and because the wind is free, it is not subject to the dramatic price volatility of fossil fuels. 

Wind-generated electricity diversifies our energy supply, reduces our dependence on foreign fuels, and reduces the flow of our energy dollars to potentially hostile governments, which increases our national security.

It’s fast to install. Large utility-scale wind power plants are routinely built in less than one year.  By contrast, most other large power plants take years to construct.

It’s growing rapidly worldwide.

Worldwide, the growth rate in 2009 was over 31%. These growth rates make wind one of the world’s fastest-growing forms of power generation. 

Internationally, Denmark generates more than 20% of its electricity from wind, Germany generates approximately 7%, and Spain generates an excess of 12%.

Advantages of wind energy:

  • Wind is free.
  • No fossil fuels are used to generate electricity.
  • Newer technologies make energy production much more efficient.
  • Wind turbines take up less space than the average power station (a few square feet for the base). The turbines can be placed in remote locations, such as offshore, mountains and deserts.
  • When combined with other alternative energy sources, wind can provide a reliable supply of electricity
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